Friday, February 19, 2010

Hello Kitty Hell

For those of you who know me, you know I have an obsession. It's called: Hello Kitty. Heres why: when I was a very lil girl (like, age 3) My mom gave me this little itty bitty tiny art set, all that was in it was 4 color pencils, 1 2x3" pad of 10sheets of paper, and it opened like a purse. on the outside was a character from the Hello Kitty series, My Melody (a bunny like thing) printed on it. There was nothing special about this set, except that it smelled SOOO good. Not like they scented it or anything special but just had a smell I liked. Well when i was older, I lost it. Crushed by it, I figured "oh, well they have hello kitty stores, maybe i can find a replacement." I went on a great hunt and couldn't find it, and was devastated. Unfortuantely, in the mean time, i started become obsessed with Hello Kitty items, and I find all kinds of cool stuff anything from airplanes (theres one company that only goes from like Tokyo to Taiwan or something like that) all the way to condoms (yes...even the kitty is safe). here are the latest finds:

Chainsaw: what? cant look cute while chopping trees?
Retainer--yea, a retainer...


 even HK will bust a cap.

if you want to see more (which i doubt) you can go to where one man posts all kinds of stuff he hates, bc his wife is obsessed, and he can't believe its such an enterprise.
I'm with her, this shits awesome! :)

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