Friday, February 12, 2010

Vday bash[ing]

Ok folkz, I know I said I was going to be on this. But I'm a liar. We've accepted this fact. SO let me throw down some knowledge for you kids at home. This weekend is Valentine's day. if this was facebook, and Valentine's day had a status i would "dislike it". Now. This is not because I am one of those who "UGH HATE VALENTINES DAY, ITS MADE UP BY HALMARK TO MAKE MONEY FROM CHOCOLATE AND UNDERPANTS!" I am not that person. What gets my goozle is that my birthday currently (well, i guess currently, and forever and ever) is 2 days post Valentine's day. Here are the following problems with this:
1. My birthday is AFTER not ON. I do not want gifts that are pink/red/heart/teddybear/cheesy valentine's garb related. I can accept flowers, bc what girl would ever turn down flowers? but can we just avoid the dozen "red rose" situation? thanks.
2. when i want to throw a party, i have to consider WHEN valentine's day is, if v-day is on the weekend, and i so happen to want to have my bday party on a weekend, TOO BADDD bc all the friends w/bfs/gfs,,, FAIL! SEE YA! CANT MAKE IT! weak.
3. If i so want to travel on my date o' birth, toooooo bad, bc tickets are THROUGH THE ROOF price wise. thanks lovers!
4. I'm one of "those people" where their bday is ALL ABOUT THEM, so i dont give a damn if you have somewhere to be, of have something you want to do. I dont care. go, and dont tell me about it bc if its not about me on that day that i choose to celebrate, then why are u fiddlin w/me?
5. everything is expensive!!!!!! eating, drinking, partying, gifting, anything = astronomical if you want to do anything around that time.

so this is a big F you to the V-day. I however, do accept Mardi Gras on/around my bday bc thats just party inspired, unfortunately i cant ever make it to New Orleans for it, but one of these days i'll man that situation...For now, I'll just be the party..

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